Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Danger Of Uncommon

The Danger Of Uncommon

Uncommon Ways Draws Critics For Team Fastball and a lot of supporters. 

The Story You Might Not Know....

 It’s the 6th inning and it’s time to make a pitching change.   I go out to the mound to change pitchers and I notice our infielders and outfielders doing something I have seen them do hundreds of times.    

Instead of standing around and meeting in the middle of the field while the pitcher takes his warm up’s the fielders are all doing some type of activity.    The outfielders as a group are running sprints.   The infielders are doing agilities and some stretching.

The umpire comments to me as I return to the dugout, “your team is awesome.”
The umpires comments are the same comments I hear throughout the year from umps, college coaches, and even opposing coaches.  

At the same time many of our routines during the game get some negative attention as well.    It is common for opposing teams to stop everything they are doing just to observe what is going on.    It's entertainment for them which makes them laugh. 

We believe our warm up and staying loose is crucial when it comes to physical and mental performance.     We spend a lot of time in our pre game getting the players physically ready to play.

During the game we will run sprints or do agility work every other inning as a team.   Pitchers do not sit on the bench resting with a jacket on their arm.   Instead our pitchers stay loose by doing low intensity activities such as doing shoulder tube work, band work, weighted ball arm care, stretching, sprints, or agility.     All of our pitchers are different and will do different activities. 

The reaction?    I have heard many times parents on other teams comment on how we must be running because the coach is mad.    I hear other players comment and say how they would hate to play for that team.     They are getting punished all the time.   

Of course when your winning, the activity of pre game, and in between innings, and during pitching changes makes the team look a little different.  

When your losing or playing badly it provides the other teams with laughable entertainment. 

The positive feedback far outweighs the negative.   Our philosophy with Team Fastball USA is simply every time we go out to play baseball it is an opportunity to improve.     We want to win.  We don’t like to lose.   The reality is if your winning or losing and not trying to improve it’s a waste of time. 

Our pre game involves an in-depth extreme long toss routine that allows each player to extend out as far as feel on that day.     It’s amazing to watch our players throw 250-320 foot long toss in pre game.    It’s even more amazing to see one of our players throwing out an opposing base runner trying to take an extra base.   

In fact it’s common when the opposing team is running for our guys to excited to see our player throw the ball to a base.   

Activity during pitching changes was NOT my idea!

We have always implemented the importance of staying ready and extreme warm up’s before, during, and soft times even after the game.     What’s amazing is the pitching change activity started because of one player.

About 4 years ago I was making a pitching change in Battle Creek, Michigan.    All of sudden I looked out towards the outfield and saw our right fielder pumping out pushups.     I thought that was the most unique thing I’ve seen on a baseball field.

After the game I had a college coach come up to me and ask me about our right fielder.  He was very impressed with his ability and he also said his push up’s during the pitching change was awesome. 

Forward 2 years later -
I was talking with our 14U squad on the importance of not blending in and how they should not be afraid to be uncommon.    During this talk I used our Battle Creek, Michigan push up story as a way to help them see the importance of being uncommon. 

Needless to say that conversation started a trend. 
The very next game while making a pitching change I saw all of our infielders and outfielders doing agility work, sprints and everything you can think of.    My chin dropped to the ground.    I could not believe what I was seeing.   

When I returned to the dugout I ask my assistant coach if he told them to do that ?
He replied, “No”!.        The talk not only inspired them it also made sense to them.

Why on earth would you want to sit around for the time it takes for a pitcher to come to the mound and take his warm up pitches ?    

What do most teams do ?
They meet in the middle of the field.   I hate it!    What the hell are they talking about?    Going out after the game?   Why we are playing so bad?

The pitching change is simply a waste of time for position players.   Staying loose and mentally ready only makes perfect sense.  

To those who are common baseball experts they think it’s a waste of time and embarrassing.    They will laugh.   They will roll their eyes.   Our guys see it as a way to stay ready.

The very next day after this event I had another shocker.    I was watching my daughter’s softball team play and sure enough the coach went to visit the mound to make a change.  

 During the change I saw my daughter leading the way with another one her team members doing pushups right in the dirt of the infield.   I was now laughing that we may have started some type of national trend.  

Since then I have explained this story to our Fastball players.    Warm up’s during pitching changes is now becoming common with our players.     IN our pre-game we work harder than any team I have ever seen.     Once again every time we play is an opportunity to improve.   Simply playing the game is not good enough.   

 We still get funny looks.   People still stare at us and laugh.    Others see it as a team that is serious about improvement.  

Either way I see it as you have choice.   You can be common or you can be uncommon.

You can do what everyone else does but you are very likely to receive the same average results that most everyone else receives. Take every opportunity to improve.

Are you a common player or on a common team ?

The average player jogs on a pop up in the infield and outfield

The average player at best jogs onto the field to his position (many walk)

The average player takes warm up and game prep as a waste of time

The average pitcher sits on the bench and will rest in between innings

The average fielders don’t take in between inning warm ups very seriously

The average player does not handle adversity very well

I personally find most people are uncomfortable with uncommon.  Especially in a tradition rich sport like baseball.   

One reason is uncommon loses the image of being cool for some. 

At Fastball USA and Team Fastball we against average and being common.

Common People Go Nowhere Message From Herb Brooks

Next week I will share some small concepts that can go a long way to improve while your playing a game.      

Most (common) people believe the game is what makes you better.   We view the game as simply a test.   I will share with you several small ways to improve during the season and during the game.  
It's crucial because most teams rarely practice once the season begins.  You have to improve during the games otherwise the others will pass you buy. 

Coach Ryan

“It’s Not You, It’s Me.”

“It’s Not You, It’s Me.”

From Wikipedia:
“In the United States, rules and procedures for certification vary by state, and are usually regulated by the state Department of Education. Normally, a bachelor’s degree with a major in a certifiable area (English/language arts, fine arts, science, math, etc.) is a minimum requirement, along with rigorous coursework in pedagogical methods and practical field experiences as “student teachers.” Many states also require that teachers pass standardized exams at the national or state levels in the subjects they teach and the methods of teaching those subjects, and that they undergo supervised evaluation during their first years of teaching…
…Teachers in all states must have a Bachelor’s degree. Many states require appropriate teacher preparation coursework before employment or the completion of a content-based or teaching-based Master’s degree within a stated number of years. Additionally, to be permanently certified, many states require that teachers pass exams on pedagogy, general knowledge and knowledge of a content area.”
Last month’s tip was addressed to the catchers. An effort to open their eyes to unexpected sources of valuable information. This month we address the coaches.
Above lists the general expected requirements for any one person to hold a teaching position in this country, according to Wikipedia.
These requirements/certification procedures are put in place to ensure the competency of the individuals who are expected to shape the education of our country’s youth.
Some might say that the states are fairly light on their certification requirements, but compare the hoops a prospective teacher has to jump through to that of a coach and tell me who has it easier.
To be fair, I don’t want to suggest that coaches should go through the same gauntlet to be able to volunteer for a coaching job, but I do want to make sure that the coaches realize how similar their job actually is to that of a teacher.
Just about every field we will ever walk onto during our lives will be adorned with white lines. They are there for guidance and control, and have the power to affect the outcome of the games we play in. They do not, however, possess the ability to magically change the way our players learn.
Did you know there are 7 different ways the human brain can actively absorb and retain information?
  • Visual (spatial):Student prefers using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
  • Aural (auditory-musical): Student prefers using sound and music.
  • Verbal (linguistic): Student prefers using words, both in speech and writing.
  • Physical (kinesthetic): Student prefers using your body, hands and sense of touch.
  • Logical (mathematical): Student prefers using logic, reasoning and systems.
  • Social (interpersonal): Student prefers to learn in groups or with other people.
  • Solitary (intrapersonal): Student prefers to work alone and use self-study.
Did you know that not everyone utilizes the same methods of learning?
One of the best lessons I ever received from my father, a certified special needs teacher with specialties in kinesiology and bio-mechanics, was to  ensure that before I blamed any student for being inattentive or lazy, to first ask myself this one very simple question…have I figured out which of the 7 different ways this catcher learns and is that why they are having trouble “getting it”.
If the answer is no, then it wasn’t the student’s fault for not being able to figure out how to perform a particular skill. It was my fault for not teaching it in a way they could most effectively retain the information.So, to all the coaches out there. If you ever have trouble getting through to any of your players, catchers most definitely included, please ask yourself that very question. It very well may be a case of “It’s not you, it’s me”.
Thanks for reading this month’s Tip of the Month!
Jay Weaver - Director of Operations

Don’t Be Old & FAT!

Don’t Be Old & FAT!

Don’t Be Old and Fat
I want you to think about it…When was the last time that you saw an old fat person? You probably cannot remember. Do you know why?
Because Fat Kills!!! Most people that are overweight do not live a long life.
Don’t let this be you!
Losing weight (body fat loss) seems to be an unachievable task for many people old or young. The older a person grows, the easier it becomes for him/her to gain weight and the easier it becomes for one to believe that it is not possible to lose body fat.
-There seems to be no way to avoid gaining weight with age. Right?
-Your metabolism slows down which means it makes it more difficult to lose weight. Right?
Wrong! The problem is not your metabolism and the problem is not your age. The problem is that as you age it becomes easier to use all of those great excuses that you hear all of the time.
The bottom line is the more people age, the more they tend to get lazy and become more inactive while using these excuses to try to justify it.
So, as you grow older, and stop growing taller I want to help you so that you can stop growing wider.
Yes, Metabolism does have a tendency to slow down as you age and you cannot stop that but you can help control it so that you can still lose body fat. It is not as hard as people make it out to be.
You have heard me say it over and over..It comes down to two things-
Your food and Your exercise…Period!
The easiest way for body fat loss is done by maintaining proper control on food with proper exercise. This will help in maintaining balance of intake of calories required by your body. The excess of calories that we have a habit of taking in are burned by the help of strenuous moments performed during exercise.
You Must Exercise:
Please do not just go and do cardio!
richard simmons
If you want to lose body fat then you have got to include resistance training into your routine.
Body fat loss is done mainly by performing resistance exercises at least two to three times a week. This helps in building muscle at the same time and lean muscle is a necessity for losing body fat.
By incorporating resistance training into your routine you will also be able to tone up those troubled areas which will not only have you looking good, but also improve your overall confidence and personality. We know this is important because most people as they age have a tendency to get a little grumpy.
Now, I am not talking about having to go to the gym and lift a lot of heavy weights. The best piece of equipment that you have is your own body. Use It!
Your Eating..and I don’t mean dieting!
What I have noticed is that mostly people do not keep check on the food that is being eaten due to less dedication and low motivation for weight loss as they get older.
Body loss is an easy process, but at the same time, it can be time consuming. Therefore, you need to have proper goals for attaining body fat loss while planning and preparing are crucial.
If you are one of those people not having time to keep check on your eating habits, then stop complaining about not being able to lose weight. You better also make sure that regular exercise is your answer to resolving your weight problems related to excess of calories since you are not paying attention to your nutrition. Exercise is only one part but is also a necessary for keeping other parts of body fit.
Here is my tip…
Try performing your exercise early morning. We have found this to be very effective if a person can get it out of the way before the busyness of life happens. It is also pretty effective from a physiological perspective because at this early time the carbohydrate and sugar level in your body is alot less so the body tends to look for other sources of energy that is calories accumulated in form of fat.
Losing body fat is not a few days process… It is a process and the only way to see the changes are by staying motivated and staying consistent until the results are seen.
Losing weight may not be the most important factor in your life but it should definitely be a priority. Being overweight leads to numerous health risks and diseases and could take away years of your life.
The best way to achieve your goals and to lose body fat is to get the help of an expert. Get someone to help motivate you and at the same time hold you accountable.nerd_
It amazes me how many people try to do it on their own and are never successful. It also amazes me how so many people trust the advice of someone that is not an expert. THIS IS NOT A FITNESS EXPERT>>>>>
Stop searching for the answers and allow us to help you help yourself experience the results that you desire and deserve. Check out to get your 27 Day Body Transformation Gameplan.
If you are in Tulsa Oklahoma then you have got to check out Tulsa’s #1 fitness program, Bootcamp Tulsa.
Don’t just grow old and FAT!
About The Author:
Coach JC , Your Lifestyle Transformation Coach coaches people on a daily basis on how to experience Optimal Wellness and True Success in their life! He is the author of The Secret To Real Weight Loss Success, Your 27 Day Body Transformation Gameplan.  As an established Author, Speaker, and Lifestyle Fitness Coach he is regarded as one of the top Coaches in the entire country. He has been assisting individuals from all walks of life to “Take it to the next level!” Coach JC motivates people to take control of their life by taking control of their health. Coach JC has a passion for helping people live their life to the fullest. Visit to get your FREE Transformation Report, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.