Last week while in Louisiana I was sitting in the hotel room and was blown away by what I heard…
Adam Wainwright was featured on the “700 Club”
He was discussing how he learned to pitch while recovering from Tommy John surgery.
Before the surgery he admitted that he didn’t really understand the finer nuances of keeping hitters off balance.
But like any of us, he understood that hitting was all about timing and found some very unique ways to his increase his odds for winning each and every at-bat.
Let me ask you a question before we go any further, let me ask you a question...
- When you think of timing, you're probaly thinking changing speeds on pitches, right?
- How many times do you associate changing speeds with the actual tempo of your delivery?
You see this a lot with the Far East pitchers, but its never discussed here in America.
But, guess who does admitted to changing speeds on his actaul delivery?
Adam Wainwright.
He also discussed how he also moves from one side of the rubber to the other during at-bats and how this affects the hitter.
So, just imagine a pitcher with stuff as filthy as Wainwright’s and then add the deception that comes with….
- Changing angles by moving from side-side on the rubber...
- Changing speeds on his delivery...
- And last but not least, changing speeds on the curve-ball, fastball and every other pitch in his arsenal...
To be able to do this, requires some serious FEEL!
To say this mindset goes against what we teach is treading lightly…
Because we’re too focused on…
- Repeating the same delivery, even though science proves that’s impossible.
- Arguing over “proper mechanics” even though nobody can give a definitive answer to what “proper mechanics” really are.
- Hoping to finally find the recipe for the highly sought after “one-size fits all” delivery.
It's silly really, because sometimes we forget the #1 goal for every pitcher is simple…
Get hitters out!
But I know what you’re thinking…
- He’s Adam Wainwright, he throws 95 mph, and …
- If he didn’t throw in the 90’s he wouldn’t be there!
True, very true…
Velocity gets your foot in the door and it keeps you there longer.
But you know what?
You can train velocity and FEEL simultaneously.
In fact, we do it everyday!
But before you can hope to create more FEEL, you must understand the concept of FEEL.
- Feel is actually heightened awareness.
- It doesn’t necessarily just apply to kinesthetic awareness…
- It’s actually spoon-feeding the central nervous system what it so desperately craves!
- This is why I will preach until I die that mechanics have nothing to do with your ability to throw strikes, nothing!
In my opinion, FEEL is being able to connect the senses to one single goal.
It’s being able to connect the goal to what you see, hear and feel!
And the best part is….
Feedback is always available.
But you’ve got to be looking for it!
To make a long story short…
- Feel doesn’t just happen….
- You’re not just born with feel….
“Training for feel” has to be a part of your daily program….
- It starts with your warm-up…
- Carries over to your throwing program and bullpens…
- And finally, the game mound.
Because at the end of the day….
Your results on the mound are a direct reflection of what you’re doing off the mound!
That’s why everything we do inside our program centers around one very important concept…
That's why no two days are ever the same for us...
- Our warm-up changes each and every day…
- Our throwing program has flexibility and is totally different for every pitcher, every day!
- Our bullpen structures change daily…
The motto for our program is simple…
Today’s plan is based on yesterday’s results!
The best part is…
- It’s extremely simple and teaches you how to self evaluate, assess and coach yourself!
- It’s advanced enough for my MLB Pitchers…
- And simple enough for a 10-year old pitcher or novice parent to easily apply!
So, if you’re interested in learning how to FEEL, join us the first week of August!
In fact, I will reveal every secret I know and as an added bonus- you will be the first to test first-hand the power of the connection strap and the new-age velocity program that doesn’t require weighted balls or long toss!
If you want a front row seat, you can find it here.
To your continued development,
Lantz Wheeler